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Category Archives: Hospital Negligence

Philip Freidin

Death Resulting from Failures to Properly Diagnose Conditions in Emergency Rooms

By Philip Freidin |

A substantial part of our practice involves representing gravely damaged people or their families in cases of death resulting from failures to properly diagnose conditions in emergency rooms. Most of our cases involve missed or improperly treated strokes, heart attacks, aortic dissections, aneurysms, infections, spinal cord issues, and even some cancers. So it didn’t… Read More »

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CMS Penalizes Hospitals For Negligence With High Readmission Rates

By Freidin Brown, P.A. |

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) provides medical coverage to more than 100 million people through its different public health programs, so it keeps close tabs on facilities that receive funding. A key aspect of CMS efforts is eliminating fraud, abuse, and inefficiencies in serving patients. The agency will take decisive action… Read More »

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When Is A Florida Hospital Liable For Independent Contractor Physicians?

By Freidin Brown, P.A. |

You might not think too much about the working relationship between your treating physician and the hospital where you received care. However, there could be important distinctions and the question will likely come up more often in the coming years. Statistics reveal that around half of doctors in all specialty areas are in private… Read More »

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Hospital Negligence Claims Against Public Facilities In Florida

By Freidin Brown, P.A. |

In Florida, medical malpractice may occur when a health care provider causes injuries to a patient by deviating from the generally accepted standard of care that applies under the circumstances. Another concept of state personal injury laws is vicarious liability, in which an employer can be held accountable for the negligent acts of an… Read More »

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Hospital Acquired Infections At Florida Facilities Put Patients At Risk

By Freidin Brown, P.A. |

Whether you are hospitalized for an emergency injury, elective surgery, or other medical need, you expect that quality patient care will improve your health. It can be devastating to contract an infection because the hospital fails to meet appropriate standards for cleanliness and sanitation, but statistics show that these incidents are common. The US… Read More »

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Alarming Statistics Regarding Bed Sores in Florida Hospitals

By Freidin Brown, P.A. |

Bed sores are extremely painful, gaping open wounds that develop when a patient remains in the same position for too long, leading to pressure on the skin. Also referred to as pressure sores, pressure ulcers, or decubitus ulcers, these injuries are so easily prevented that they are referred to as “never” events in the… Read More »

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The Ongoing Problem Of Hospital Negligence Part 6: South Florida Hospitals

By Freidin Brown, P.A. |

Many people associate medical malpractice with individual practitioners, but it is important to realize that liability extends up the ladder. A hospital or entire health care system could be negligent in providing care, and patients pay the price of their misconduct. Fortunately, there are resources for weeding out organizations that do not meet the… Read More »

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The Ongoing Problem Of Hospital Negligence Part 5: West Florida Hospitals

By Freidin Brown, P.A. |

Medicine is a respected profession, but the individuals and entities responsible for delivering quality patient care are not without fault. From the single physician or medical practice to large-scale hospital facilities, negligence by health care providers puts patients at risk. While not proof of misconduct, the Hospital Safety Grade system established by Leapfrog Group… Read More »

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The Ongoing Problem Of Hospital Negligence Part 4: Central Florida Hospitals

By Freidin Brown, P.A. |

Any business owes a duty of professionalism to its customers, but Florida hospitals are held to a higher standard because their medical services directly impact patient safety. A hospital must deliver care in accordance with what is generally accepted in the medical field, which is measured by how a similarly situated facility would conduct… Read More »

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The Ongoing Problem Of Hospital Negligence Part 3: North Florida Hospitals

By Freidin Brown, P.A. |

The medical profession is a respected one, and patients literally entrust their lives and well-being to health care providers from the individual physician to the large-scale health care facilities. You have the right to reasonably assume that these practitioners will comply with the appropriate standards of care. It is disturbing to learn that not… Read More »

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The Ongoing Problem Of Hospital Negligence Part 2: Florida Panhandle Hospitals

By Freidin Brown, P.A. |

Hospital rankings systems are important from a societal standpoint and for purposes of governmental funding, but the methodology is also helpful on a personal level. When you need to make decisions regarding where to obtain care, you need solid guidance regarding the facilities in your area. Anyone in the Florida Panhandle may want to… Read More »

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Hospital Negligence: An Ongoing Problem in Florida

By Freidin Brown, P.A. |

Updated July 2021: Hospital Negligence an Ongoing Problem in Florida and Beyond What is Hospital Negligence? Hospitals can be liable for negligent acts through some of the same concepts that apply to doctors in a medical malpractice case. Legally, the organization is required to meet the generally accepted standard of care that applies to… Read More »

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National Hospital Week: May 9-15, 2021

By Freidin Brown, P.A. |

The American Hospital Association (AHA) has been hosting National Hospital Week for many years. While the vast majority of hospitals are dedicated to providing quality medical care, there are some facilities that cut corners and engage in other negligent acts that may put patients at risk. Hospitals can be held accountable for negligent misconduct… Read More »

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Can a Florida Hospital Be Liable for Negligence?

By Freidin Brown, P.A. |

According to a recent Modern Healthcare publication, there are approximately 161,250 preventable deaths that occur in US hospitals every year. Based upon what you may know about medical malpractice, you might assume that the hospital would be liable for the medical errors that cause these fatalities. However, hospital negligence is somewhat different from the… Read More »

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Hospital Liability for Florida Medical Malpractice Due to Infection

By Freidin Brown, P.A. |

Many patients head to Florida hospitals for surgical procedures or other treatment for serious medical conditions, expecting to receive quality care in a clean environment. What people don’t realize is that infections are shockingly common in the hospital setting.  According to Patient CareLink, an online resource that covers a range of topics on safety… Read More »

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