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Category Archives: Medication Errors


Shocking Statistics On EHRs And Failure To Detect Medication Errors

By Freidin Brown, P.A. |

Adoption of electronic health records (EHR) systems across the US has delivered numerous benefits related to ease-of-use and convenience, but these solutions have fallen short in one key area: The promise to significantly reduce medication errors. United Press International (UPI) reported some disturbing statistics indicating that EHRs fail to detect up to 1 of… Read More »

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“Induced Addiction” May Constitute Medical Malpractice Under Florida Law

By Freidin Brown, P.A. |

When physicians prescribe medications that could be addictive, they have a duty to make sure patients understand the risks and the need to monitor for signs of addition. Unfortunately, some health care providers may be careless with their responsibilities, potentially leading to abuse and associated harm. One of the most well-known, prevalent issues involves… Read More »

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FAQs About Medication Errors and Your Rights as a Victim Under Florida Law

By Freidin Brown, P.A. |

What is a medication error? The answer comes from experts at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, who define this form of medical malpractice, also known as “adverse drug events,” as mistakes in the process of prescribing, dispensing, and giving medications.  These terms describe the circumstances that lead to accidental misuse of drugs by… Read More »

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Requirements for Medical Experts in Florida Medical Malpractice Cases

By Freidin Brown, P.A. |

Expert testimony is crucial in almost all Florida medical malpractice claims because of the complexity of the subject matter. Experts generally apply their backgrounds and knowledge to the relevant facts in such a case. As a result of their input, it’s easier for an insurance company, members of the jury, and others to understand… Read More »

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