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Serious Patient Harm In Florida Medical Misdiagnosis Claims


The process of diagnosing a medical condition can be challenging, and statistics reveal that there are certain ailments that are commonly misdiagnosed. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), there are just 15 medical conditions that account for almost 50 percent of all diagnostic error injuries. These ailments comprise the “Big Three” categories of misdiagnosis, i.e., vascular events, health care acquired infection (HAI), and cancers. However, there are plenty of other instances of diagnosis mistakes with respect to other medical conditions.

Misdiagnosis claims are among the most difficult to prove of all medical malpractice cases, because you essentially have to prove the “what if”: Had you received a proper diagnosis, would you have sustained harm? The answer is rarely a definite Yes or No, which is why retaining a Miami misdiagnosis lawyer is essential for this aspect of a med mal claim. However, you should be aware of the types of harm you could suffer from diagnosis errors.

Short- and Long-Term Consequences of Diagnostic Errors 

The key with these cases is that it is not sufficient to simply show that a health care provider was negligent in making a diagnosis. You also need to prove that you were harmed because of the mistake. The most common consequences of a misdiagnosis can be devastating. For instance:

  • You might have been exposed to harmful, aggressive treatment that would not have been required if the doctor issued an accurate diagnosis.
  • There may have been less serious treatment options available, a critical issue when the error involves a delayed diagnosis.
  • Physicians may recommend surgery for a medical condition that you do not have. These procedures always carry some risk, and they are both invasive and prone to infection.
  • Misdiagnosis can also lead to long-term complications and permanent disability when the damage is irreversible.

A medical malpractice claim enables you to recover compensation for the losses stemming from diagnosis errors. You could obtain damages for the medical treatment required to correct the mistake, hospitalization, rehabilitation, and related care.

Other Losses for Patients 

Though the most impactful effects are the physical pain and medical implications, there are additional amounts to seek in a misdiagnosis claim. If you were unable to work while you were receiving additional treatment and recovering from your injuries, you may be entitled to amounts for lost wages.

Some losses are personal and subjective, but they still affect your quality of life. These are noneconomic damages, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, and scarring and disfigurement. In a diagnosis error case that causes a fatality, noneconomic damages for surviving family members may include loss of love, support, guidance, consortium, and other contributions.

Contact Our Florida Medical Misdiagnosis Attorneys for Assistance 

Though there is a wide range of compensation available for diagnosis errors claims, it is important to have skilled representation for help with pursuing your remedies. Our team at Freidin Brown, P.A. is prepared to advise you, so please contact us to set up a no-cost consultation. We can meet with you at our offices in Miami or Fort Myers to discuss details.


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