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Top Treatable Cancers – if Caught in Time


Although there is still no cure for cancer, advancements in medicine and technology have made it possible for patients to survive the disease with a more positive prognosis. For instance, the National Cancer Institute estimates that there were 15.5 million cancer survivors in the US in 2016; by 2026, that number is expected to increase to 20.3 million.

Still, experts stress that the key to surviving cancer with a clean bill of health is early detection and treatment. Health care providers must be diligent in their efforts to recognize the signs and issue a proper diagnosis. Patient outcomes can be tragic when a physician fails in this respect, so you should consult with a Florida misdiagnosis and medical malpractice lawyer if you have concerns. It’s also important to explore the types of cancer that are treatable, if caught in time. 

Cancers with Highest Survival Rate: When looking at the incidence and outlook for different types of cancer, researchers use a measurement termed a “five-year survival rate.” As the name suggests, this statistic is the percentage of patients who survive for at least five years after receiving the diagnosis. These individuals may still have traces of cancer and may still be receiving treatment; for statistical purposes, the point is whether the patient is still alive.

The seven cancers and their respective survival rates are:

  1. Melanoma, at 92-97 percent;
  2. Hodgkin lymphoma, 90 percent;
  3. A 99 percent survival rate for breast cancer,
  4. Prostate cancer, at 99 percent;
  5. A 99 percent survival rate for testicular cancer;
  6. Cervical cancer, at 93 percent; and,
  7. Thyroid cancer, with a 98-100 percent survival rate.

Early Diagnosis is Critical: Note that these survival rates are based upon an early diagnosis, followed by proper treatment. There are multiple types of cancer therapies available depending on the type and stage, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and hormone therapy. In addition, clinical trials might be an option to consider in consultation with your treating physicians.

In the event of a cancer misdiagnosis, a patient doesn’t receive these essential treatments and therapies. A delay is issuing the diagnosis means losing precious time to combat the disease. When a physician provides the wrong diagnosis, there are multiple consequences:

  • The patient isn’t receiving proper care to treat the cancer; AND
  • The patient may be getting medical care that’s not needed, whether it’s unnecessary surgery or taking medications that can be harmful.

Even cancers with high survival rates, like those listed above, can become terminal without proper medical care. Researchers point out that there are factors that affect patient outcomes, but an accurate, early diagnosis is crucial. 

Reach Out to a Florida Misdiagnosis and Medical Malpractice Attorney Today 

If you or a loved one received a questionable diagnosis regarding cancer, it’s critical to speak with an experienced Florida misdiagnosis lawyer right away. To learn more about your legal options, please contact Freidin Brown, P.A. to set up a free consultation at our offices in Miami or Fort Myers. We can provide more personalized information after reviewing the details of your case.


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