Miami Heart Attack Prevention Failure Lawyer
Over the years, a significant amount of information has become available regarding how individuals can lower their risk of heart attacks, termed atrial myocardial infarction (AMI) in the medical field. The American Heart Association (AHA) describes numerous factors that increase the potential for heart attack, recommending that people focus on heart disease prevention early by avoiding them. However, even when patients do their part, health care providers may not. The failure to prevent heart attack through medical mistakes can result in AMI, leading to tragic losses for the patient.
If you suffered a heart attack because of a physician’s negligence, you may have options under Florida medical malpractice laws. Our lawyers at Freidin Brown, P.A. can explain your legal remedies in more detail, so please contact our office to set up a no-cost consultation with a Miami heart attack prevention failure lawyer today. Some basics about your rights may also be informative.
Risk Factors and Prevention of Heart Attacks
The AHA describes three distinct types of risk factors when evaluating the likelihood of AMI:
- Major Risk: A person is most likely to suffer a heart attack when he or she already suffers from a heart, respiratory, or cardiovascular disease.
- Modifiable Risk: Some factors under #1 can be modified, treated, or managed through treatment, lifestyle change, or both.
- Contributing Risk: Though they are statistically linked to heart attack, these are factors that are not yet fully understood.
You are more likely to sustain an AMI when you bear a high number of the most severe risk factors.
Suffered Due to Negligence in Heart Attack Prevention? Let Us Help You Seek Justice in Miami!
Holding Physicians Accountable for Failure to Prevent Heart Attack
The most crucial risk factors fall under #1 and #2 above, which means your doctor should approach your medical care with a goal to:
- Identify the major risk factors that increase the likelihood of AMI; and,
- Eliminate or reduce the impact of the risk factors that are modifiable.
An appropriate strategy might involve advice, medications, referral to a specialist, surgery or other procedures, and many other options. You may have grounds to bring a suit for failure to prevent heart attack if your physician did not do what a hypothetical health care provider would have done in the same situation.
Seek Monetary Damages for Your Losses
The point of a medical malpractice lawsuit is to compensate you for the losses you suffer, so you may be able to recover:
- Medical costs;
- Lost wages;
- Pain and suffering;
- Emotional distress; and,
- Many other types of losses.
Set Up a Free Consultation with Miami Heart Attack Malpractice Lawyer
Not all heart attacks are foreseeable. However, when the signs and risk factors are obvious, you may have a medical malpractice claim for failure to prevent heart attack. As with other cases related to health care provider negligence, it’s wise to trust your matter to experienced attorneys. For more information on our legal services, please contact Freidin Brown, P.A. to speak with one of our Miami medical malpractice lawyers. We’re happy to schedule a free case assessment at our offices in Miami or Fort Myers, FL.