Miami Vacuum Extraction Birth Injury Lawyer
Vacuum extraction can be a valuable tool to assist with a complicated birth. Used correctly, vacuum extraction can deliver a healthy baby and avoid the serious complications that can result from a prolonged labor. However, when vacuum extraction is performed when it is not indicated, or when it is performed improperly, serious, lifelong injuries can be the tragic result. The Miami birth injury lawyers at Freidin Brown, P.A. are experienced in taking on the most serious cases of medical negligence. We can help determine whether a medical mistake was involved in the decision to use vacuum extraction or the way in which it was performed, and we can build a strong case to recover much-needed compensation to deal with a lifetime of challenges and costs while holding doctors and hospitals accountable for their negligence, incompetence and serious mistakes.
What is vacuum extraction?
When labor stalls due to the size of the baby, the shape of the mother’s pelvis, an awkward position of the baby in the birth canal or other reasons, the obstetrician may turn to any number of tools or procedures to help the mother and baby complete the birthing process. Options may include performing a C-section, using forceps, or vacuum extraction.
Vacuum extraction involves using a device that applies suction cups to the baby’s head and then uses vacuum force and pressure to draw the baby out of the birthing canal during a contraction. If this procedure is not administered properly, it can cause serious and permanent injury to the infant, requiring a lifetime of medical treatment, therapy or specialized equipment to help the child function to the best of his or her ability. Some of the injuries caused by improper vacuum extraction include:
- Cerebral Palsy
- Shoulder Dystocia
- Erb’s Palsy
- Brachial Plexus Injury
- Retinal Hemorrhage
- Brain Hemorrhage
- Skull Fracture
And Together We WILL WINWe Care
Our Florida vacuum extraction birth injury lawyers can help
A complicated birth is a challenging situation that requires making quick judgments and exercising a high level of skill and care. This does not excuse medical negligence, however. In fact, statistics have shown that over 90% of deliveries in the U.S. typically involve some sort of complication. Obstetricians, obstetric nurses and the entire staff of hospital obstetrics departments should be trained and experienced in dealing with complications, choosing the appropriate method to deal with the complication and executing their duties competently and professionally.
At Freidin Brown, P.A., our team of Florida medical malpractice lawyers are experienced in the investigation of birth injury cases involving vacuum extraction. We know what it takes to build a strong case proving that improper vacuum extraction was the cause of an injury. We also know how to prepare and present a comprehensive case that thoroughly details the costs and the compensation due after such a tragic event. Trust your vacuum extraction birth injury case to the hospital lawyers at Freidin Brown, P.A. We are committed to helping injury victims throughout Florida get the care and compensation they need after a tragic birth injury.
Help is Available after Vacuum Extraction Birth Injury in Florida
If your child suffered injury during birth where vacuum extraction was applied, call Freidin Brown, P.A. in Florida for a no-cost, confidential consultation regarding whether medical errors are to blame for the injury, and how our experienced and compassionate Miami medical malpractice lawyers can help.