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Horrific Effects Of Post-Sepsis Syndrome


Sepsis is a serious, potentially life-threatening medical condition that can occur in response to an infection. Essentially, the immune system gets carried away and creates a toxic chain reaction. Without treatment, sepsis turns to septic shock, leading to tissue damage, organ failure, and death. Unfortunately, even when someone recovers from such intense trauma, there can still be consequences. According to Sepsis Alliance, an online resource for information and awareness about sepsis, approximately 50 percent of those who recover will experience the post-sepsis syndrome.

Just when you think you are in the clear in terms of getting back to health, the post-sepsis syndrome can disrupt your recovery. This condition can have substantial psychological and physical implications, and the fact that it is preventable is cause for concern. It is essential to discuss your legal options with a Miami sepsis attorney if you experience any of the following effects of post-sepsis syndrome since you could have grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit:

  • Frequent infections after the initial onset of sepsis
  • Difficulty sleeping, including falling or staying asleep, fatigue, and lethargy
  • Pain and swelling in the limbs
  • Hallucinations, panic attacks, and flashbacks to sepsis illness
  • Depression, mood swings, angry outbursts
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Shortness of breath and chest pains

As you can see, the symptoms can be difficult to pinpoint and are often not outwardly visible. Employers and loved ones might expect that you have fully recovered, and even doctors may be unable to test or provide a diagnosis. There is no known treatment for post-sepsis syndrome, though certain therapies may alleviate discomfort and chronic pain.

Liability for Sepsis and Septic Shock

The symptoms of post-sepsis syndrome indicate the medical causes. For instance, respiratory issues are the result of sepsis infection in the lungs. However, when it comes to liability, there are legal causes that form the basis of a potential medical malpractice lawsuit. Negligence is typically behind a health care-acquired infection (HAI), including those that lead to sepsis and post-sepsis syndrome. Individual health care providers and health care systems can be held liable for failing to deliver care by medically accepted standards. Examples include:

  • Not implementing appropriate policies for sanitation of tools and devices
  • Failing to properly insert and remove catheters
  • Not following proper handwashing procedures
  • Failure to monitor a patient’s wound and vital signs for infection
  • Improper post-operative care
  • Neglecting to move and/or turn patients who are most at risk for developing bedsores and pressure ulcers

Talk to a Florida Medical Malpractice Lawyer About Sepsis Claims

It is important to know your rights and remedies after suffering post-sepsis syndrome, and you should rely on experienced counsel for assistance with your options. For more information, please contact Freidin Brown, P.A. to speak to a member of our team. We are happy to set up a free consultation at our offices in Miami or Fort Myers to discuss the remedies which may be available to you.


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